Top al celor mai bune aplicatii pentru testare software

Abbot Java GUI Test Framework


The Abbot framework provides automated event generation and validation of Java GUI components, improving upon the very rudimentary functions provided by the java.awt.Robot class (A Better 'Bot). The framework may be invoked directly from Java code or accessed without programming through the use of scripts. It is suitable for use both by developers for unit tests and QA for functional testing.



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Anteater is a testing framework designed around Ant, from the Apache Jakarta Project. It provides an easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web application or of an XML Web service.


OS Independent

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Apodora is a framework/tool for automating functional testing of web applications. It provides the user with programmatic control of the web browser allowing them to interact directly with the browser's user interface. It uses a database backend in order to remember how to find your html elements. This also makes your scripts easier to maintain.


Windows, IE6

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Document based acceptance tester. Similar to FIT in goal. Manages requirements documents in Word or RTF format that are created jointly by customer and developer. Requirements are parsed to extract a glossary and test suite.


OS Independent

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Autonet is a GUI network test platform, internally it's based on CLI to communicate with devices. It can help you to arrange test cases, setup commands to devices ,run commands to check results and record test results


windows, linux and any other platform which support tcl

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AutoTestFlash allows the recording and playback of tests writen in Flash and Flex. The tool website provides a live sample.


Windows / Flash

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Avignon is an acceptance test system that allows you to write executable tests in a language that you define.

It uses XML to define the syntax of the language but, if you choose to extend the language, leaves the semantics of the tests up to you. Avignon includes modules for testing HTML applications (through either IE or FireFox), Swing and .NET WinForm applications.


Java (MS Windows only for .NET testing)

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Blerby Test Runner


Ajax test runner for php. Currently supports simpletest and phpunit 3.x. Allows developers to refactor code while being able to receive instant feedback on their changes. Tracks test dependencies and automatically re-runs appropriate tests upon source changes.


Windows, *nix, apache

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Canoo WebTest


Used for functional testing of web pages, WebTest is an open source testing framework built on top of HttpUnit. It allows tests to be defined in XML as Ant targets.


JDK 1.2 and ANT v1.3

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Capedit is a open-source packet modification tool. It is used for protocol testing. This tool is capable to parse and modify Ethernet II, VLAN(802.1Q), MPLS, ARP, IPv4, ICMP, TCP, UDP, IGMPv3 protocols & this tool has some unique features like stream based packet field modification, packet deletion/duplication/reordering, IP and MAC address find and replace, auto checksum for IP/ICMP/IGMP/TCP/UDP, pcap replay (selected single packet/multiple packets). Lots of new features are added in beta build.



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Concordion is an open source framework for Java that lets you turn a plain English description of a requirement into an automated test. Concordion specifications are active. Behind the scenes, they are linked to the system under test and therefore do not go out-of-date. If a change is made to the system's behaviour then the tests associated with the relevant specification will fail and let you know.


Java 1.5 or above

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Crosscheck is an open source testing framework for verifying your in-browser javascript. It helps you ensure that your code will run in many different browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox, but without needing installations of those browsers. The only thing you need is a Java Virtual Machine.


Java Virtual Machine

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csvdiff is a perl script for comparing two files of comma-separated values with each other. In contrast to standard diff, it will show the number of the record where the difference occurs, the column number, and (if provided) the fieldname which is different. The separator can be set to any value you want, not just a comma. It also provides support for multiple column keys, the ability to ignore case and trim leading/tailing spaces, and the ability to ignore selected columns such as timestamps.


Everywhere you can install perl

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CubicTest is a graphical Eclipse plug-in for writing Selenium and Watir tests. It makes web tests faster and easier to write, and provides abstractions to make tests more robust and reusable. CubicTest's test editor is centered around pages/states and transitions between these pages/states. The model is intuitive for both Ajax and traditional web applications and supports most user interaction types. CubicTest features an innovative test recorder and test runner based on Selenium RC which are fully integrated with the graphical test editor. Tests can also run standalone from Maven 2.


Eclipse plug-in

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Cucumber is a tool that runs functional tests written in plain text. It supports over 20 spoken languages. Programmers then write small chunks of ruby or java code to wire the plain text tests to the system under test. Cucumber is designed for Behaviour Driven Development.


Ruby, JRuby, Java or any web platform

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DB Sanity


DB Sanity performs checks on a database for verifying data consistency and correctness of aplication deployments. It is invoked by command line and creates HTML reports with aggregated diagnostic summaries and listings of faulty database entries.


Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, Solaris, HPUX, Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, HSQL, H2, Derby, Firebird

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With DBFeeder you can automatically generate testdata for Oracle Databases which fits primary and foreign keys of tables. A file-based configuration system allows in-depth customization of the generated data.



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Extension to FIT/FitNesse for test-driven database development. Enables developers to manipulate database objects in a relational/ tabular form, making database testing and management much easier then with xUnit-style tools.



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DejaGnu is a framework for testing applications such as Tcl, C, C++, Java and network applications and cross testing of embedded systems. Its purpose is to provide a single front end for all tests. Think of it as a custom library of Tcl procedures crafted to support writing a test harness.


MacOS, Windows, POSIX

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Dogtail is a GUI test tool and automation framework written in Python. It uses accessibility technologies to communicate with desktop applications. Dogtail scripts are written in Python and executed like any other Python program.


Python 2.3 or higher

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Doit: Simple Web Application Testing


Doit is a scripting tool and language for testing web applications that use forms. Doit can generate random or sequenced form fill-in information, report results (into a database, file, or stdout), filter HTML results, and compare results to previous results, without having to manually use a web browser. It uses a console-based web client tool (like Curl or Wget) to send and receive HTTP requests and responses respectively.


You must have Perl 5 or greater and the appropriate Perl modules (detailed in Doit manual) installed on your system before you can use SPL.

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Eclipse TPTP


The Eclipse test and performance tools platform (TPTP) provides support for three types of testing: Performance testing of HTTP applications, JUnit testing and manual testing. Although each of these areas of testing has its own unique set of tasks and concepts, two sets of topics are common to all three types: creation and use of datapools, and creation of test deployments.



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EMOS Framework


EMOS Framework is a simple yet powerful environment for development of automated WinRunner? tests. Like most frameworks of this sort EMOS Framework separates test data from the test code in order to simplify and speed up test development, increase robustness of the produced solution, and empower non-programmers towards test automation. It is almost completely written in WinRunner's own scripting language, TSL.


Mercury WinRunner, All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)

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Enterprise Web Test


Enterprise Web Test allows Java programmers to write re-usable tests for web applications that, unlike HttpUnit, "drive" the actual web browser on the actual platform they intend to support. Tests can be leveraged for functional, stress, reliability.


Microsoft, OS Independent, Linux

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Expect is a Unix automation and testing tool, for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, ssh, tip, etc. And by adding Tk, you can also wrap interactive applications in X11 GUIs.


Windows / UNIX

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Written in expect, it is designed to directly map an interactive terminal session into an automation script. expect-lite scripts use special character(s) at the beginning of each line to indicate the action. Basic expect-lite scripts can be created by simply cutting and pasting text from a terminal window into a script, and adding '>' '<' characters. No knowledge of expect is required!


linux, unix, bsd, macosx

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Feed4TestNG makes it easy to write parameterized tests for the TestNG framework and feed them with fix predefined or randomly generated test data: Test case data can be read from Excel or CSV files and equivalence class tests can be defined easily. Setup is based on Java annotations and easy to learn, apply and maintain. Annotations defined in the "Bean Validation" JSR 303, Java 7 and Benerator are automatically recognized and generated smoke test data will match the constraints. By connecting to Benerator, you can configure generation of complex valid and invalid data sets.


Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris and all other platforms that support Java 5

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Frankenstein is a Functional Testing tool for Swing applications. Frankenstein's focus is on readable, simple, fast functional tests that can be shared and run by everyone on a team. Apart from automating your functional tests, you could also use Frankenstein for recording bugs so that they may be easily reproduced later.


JDK 1.4+

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TIBCO General Interface Test Automation Kit (GITAK) is a test-automation tool for Ajax applications. GITAK extends the Selenium Core test tool for Web applications. It lets developers create automated test cases and run scenarios to validate that an application is performing properly. Once a library of test cases has been built, the Ajax applications and changes to them can be tested with the push of a button.


IE 6, IE7, Firefox 2, Fireox 1.5.x

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GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project


GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project (GNU/LDTP) is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test GNU/Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the "Accessibility" libraries to poke through the application's user interface. The framework has tools to generate "AppMap" by reading through the user interface components of an application. The framework also has tools to record test-cases based on user-selection on the application. GNU/LDTP can test any GNOME application which are accessibility enabled, Mozilla,, any Java application (should have a UI based on swing) and KDE 4.0 applications based on QT 4.0 (based on the press releases by KDE).



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An open source Java API for creating Java test software



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Scriptable HTTP Test Tool for testing and benchmarking webapplication and HTTP server development. Can act as client (requesting) and server (backend for reverse proxys). Pattern matching answers (both server(s)and client(s)) to test validity. Has a very simple but powerfull syntax. Can execute and stream shell commands into the HTTP stream and vis versa.


linux, solaris

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IdMUnit is the leading xUnit automated testing framework for Identity Management that simplifies and accelerates the functional testing of the solution. Test cases are defined and implemented in spreadsheet format. This product plugs into Eclipse. Now users can Design, Deploy, Document and Test with the press of a button!



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Imprimatur is a web application functional testing tool. The tests are described in a simple XML file. Imprimatur handles HTTP methods, authentication and file uploads. The responses can be validated using regular expressions.



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ItIN - Infopath testing in .Net


ItiN is a framework for the testing of InfoPath forms. It is derived from the WatiN testing framework which is used for testing web applications. ItiN needs Visual Studio 2005 and InfoPath 2003 with the .Net programability support installed to work. You may have some trouble with the references, but it should be OK.



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Lightweight, yet powerful web application test harness. Test scripts written in XML. No programming required and no changes required to your web application. Supports sessions/cookies, POST form data. Command line based for integration into other tools. Also useful for regression and smoke testing


OS independent

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ItsNat, Natural AJAX


ItsNat is a Java AJAX web framework with functional web test built-in. Simulates a Universal Java W3C Browser in the server, the client DOM tree is basically a clone of the server and is updated automatically when the server changes usually as the response of an AJAX event. The server can fire W3C DOM events and send them to the browser simulating user actions. These are received again by the server as in a normal AJAX app. As the test code is in the server too, can check the expected GUI changes (checking the server DOM tree) or the expected bussiness behavior (added/removed/updated data).


Any supported platform by Java VM 1.4 or upper

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Regression testing framework written in java but by no means restricted to java testing. Test suites are declared in XML. Especially designed for complex testing scenarios and integration testing.


JDK 1.3

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Jacobie is a Java API for use with Internet Explorer. Based on the JACOB project (JAva to COm Bridge) and the IE COM Object, it directly controls IE from java. This API can be used as a true end-user web browser test with IE and not a Http-Based test such as HttpUnit.


All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)

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Jameleon is a plug-in driven automated testing tool that separates applications into features and allows those features to be tied together independently, creating test cases. Test cases can be data-driven and executed against different environments and test case docs are generated from the test cases. The goal is to create an automated testing tool that can be used for the enterprise. A UI that ties a series of features to a test case, generating both the test script and the test case documentation is in the works.


OS Independent, JDK 1.4 or higher

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jDiffChaser is a GUI comparison tool that automates diffs detection between versions. You can record and play scenarios on two different releases of the same Swing application (in sequential or parallel mode); jDiffChaser compares both screens, shows you the differences and list them in a report with images highlighting the diffs.


Linux, OS X, WinXP

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Jemmy is a tool allowing you to create automated tests for Java GUI applications. Tests are written on Java, using Jemmy as a regular Java library. No recording (yet), no GUI, no XML, no bells and whistles - all the work being done in Jemmy is dedicated to test stability, so it could be used for big, complicated and "dynamic" Java GUI applications.


Java 1.2 or above

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JFunc: JUnit Functional Testing Extension


JFunc is an extension to the JUnit testing framework to make it easier for use with functional tests. Functional testing (also called integration testing) significantly differs from unit testing in a number of respects. Part of this project is dedicated towards putting together code to address these differences; the other part of this project is putting together methodologies for functional testing.



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JSystem is an open source framework for writing and running automated system testing. JSystem includes: 1. Services Java API - exposes JSystem services 2. JSystem Drivers- Java modules used to interfaces with the system under test. 3. JRunner - GUI application interface used for creating and running tests scenarios. 4. JSystem Agent - Execution engine used to run scenarios on a distributed setup. 5. JSystem Eclipse plug-in - accelerates the development environment setup and enforces JSystem conventions. JSystem is based on JUnit (tests and steps) and Ant (execution engine).



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JUnit extension for system test. JUnitum is developed from ideas of TestNG / Simplium. It provides system test features including test case dependency, multiple assetion, one shot multiple execution, test case management system integration to simplify and speed up system test cases. The highlighting benefit of JUnitum is that you can use these features without any conflict with your exisiting test developent environment.



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jWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. jWebUnit provides a high-level API for navigating a web application combined with a set of assertions to verify the application's correctness. This includes navigation via links, form entry and submission, validation of table contents, and other typical business web application features. This code utilizes HttpUnit behind the scenes. The simple navigation methods and ready-to-use assertions allow for more rapid test creation than using only JUnit and HttpUnit.


OS Independent

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Latka is a functional (end-to-end) testing tool. It is implemented in Java, and uses an XML syntax to define a series of HTTP (or HTTPS) requests and a set of validations used to verify that the request was processed correctly.


JDK 1.3 or better

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Linux Test Project


The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features. Our goal is to improve the Linux kernel by bringing test automation to the kernel testing effort.



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LogiTest is the core application in the LogiTest suite. The LogiTest application provides a simple graphical user interface for creating and playing back tests for testing Internet-based applications.


JDK 1.2 or higher

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Command line tools for comparing csv files and databases (on the level of particular selects). The tools also support test documentation by nice formatting of selects' results.


Tested on Win32 but should work on other platforms

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MActor is an extensible tool for system integration testing. It can facilitate tests of any XML-based integration regardless of the type of message transfer protocol used (HTTP, SOAP, file-system and IBM MQ series are currently supplied with the tool)


OS Independent

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Marathon is a general purpose tool for both running and authoring acceptance tests geared at the Java Platform Version 1.3 or later. Included with marathon is a rich suite of components to help you interact with your application at the User Interface Level (GUI). To aid with the regression testing of existing applications, Marathon comes bundled with a recorder to capture events as you use and interact with your applicationand. These events are then converted into a valid Marathon test which can subsequently be played back.


Java 1.3 or later

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Maveryx is a free and open source Test Automation Framework for functional and regression testing of Java applications. Maveryx eliminates the GUI Map dependency. Testers do not have to capture and maintain any GUI Map. GUI objects described in the scripts are identified and located directly at runtime during the test scripts execution. Maveryx supports approximate matching to identify the GUI objects even in case of few or partial information given by the tester in the test scripts. Maveryx works with Eclipse, NetBeans, JUnit, IBM Rational Functional Tester, etc.


OS Independent

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MaxQ is a free web functional testing tool. It includes an HTTP proxy that records your test script, and a command line utility that can be used to playback tests. The paradigm of MaxQ is similar to commercial web testing tools like Astra QuickTest or Empirix e-Test. These products are quite expensive. MaxQ hopes to provide the essential features: HTTP test recording, scripting, and playback without the huge cost.


Java 1.2 or later

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miTester for SIP


miTester for SIP is an automated SIP testing tool designed and developed to take care of the complex pre-deployment testing of SIP applications effectively. This SIP testing tool can be used to simulate SIP call-flows & automate functional, regressionand fault injection tests. It increases the flexibility of time and resources, avoids redundancy on test execution, increase test coverage, thus increasing the quality and reliability of the system under test. miTester for SIP supports RFC standards - RFC 3261, RFC 2976, RFC 3428, RFC 3265, RFC 3262, RFC 3311, RFC 3903, RFC 3455.


SIP Testing Tool

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Java mocking is dominated by expect-run-verify libraries like EasyMock or jMock. Mockito offers simpler and more intuitive approach: you ask questions about interactions after execution. Using mockito, you can verify what you want. Using expect-run-verify libraries you are often forced to look after irrelevant interactions. Mockito has very slim API, almost no time is needed to start mocking. There is only one kind of mock, there is only one way of creating mocks. Just remember that stubbing goes before execution, verifications of interactions go afterwards.



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Develop test-first style or just test against regressions: MozUnit provides framework, test runner, source browser, and API hooks for personalized reports. MozUnit is part of MozLab, a suite of tools and libraries for developers of AJAX and Mozilla applications, packaged as a Firefox extension.



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OLVER - Open Linux VERification


OLVER is an open source test suite for automated conformance and functional testing of various Linux distributions against LSB standard requirements on base system interfaces behavior. The tests are being developed at the Linux Verification Center of Russia.



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Om (pronounced as "Oh m") is an Open source command-line tool for generating data for Random Testing & Field testing. It reduces a lot of effort when we need to generate stressful text data for field testing. Om can generate data in three different ways using its three different modes of Operation. User can provide an option for generating data consisting of different character types like uppercase, lowercase, numerical, others or any combination of the above four. Om also comes with user manual. Moreover it can also generate Random data required for Random testing.



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Om (pronounced as "Oh m") is an Open source command-line tool for generating data for Random Testing & Field testing. It reduces a lot of effort when we need to generate stressful text data for field testing. Om can generate data in 3 different ways using its three different modes of Operation. User can provide an option for generating data consisting of different character types like uppercase, lowercase, numerical, others or any combination of the above four. Om also comes with user manual. It can also generate Random data required for Random testing.


Windows 2000 or above

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org.tigris.mbt is an implementation of Model-based testing built in Java. It allows you to generate test sequences from a finite-state machine (graph). The test sequences can be created statically, or run dynamically.


Any platform that runs Java 1.4.2

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(PYTHON AUTOMATION MODULE FOR INTERNET EXPLORER) is a scripting tool for website testing. PAMIE can manipulate elements on the web page, such as links, textboxes, images, listboxes, checkboxes, radiobuttons, submit buttons, ect.


Windows NT/2000

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Pounder is a utility for testing Java GUIs. It allows developers to dynamically load components, record scripts, and then use those scripts in JUnit. It supports custom components, drag and drop, and the examination of test runs in source. This project is no longer being actively developed. For similar tools under active development, the Pounder team recommend considering Abbot, Marathon, jfcunit and others.


OS Independent

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pywinauto is a python package that allows you to automate the windows GUI. Very easy to get started, and quite powerful. There is a screencast at...


Windows 2000, XP, +

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Automation framework, for building fast, re-usable and reliable system tests under windows OS. It includes a tool for developing automation in .NET, and a GUI tool to compose automation with no coding skills.



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QAT (Quality Assurance Tests)


QAT was developed to ease the issues encountered by having to perform Quality Assurance tests across a variety of hardware and software combinations. The QAT tool can be divided into two main sections, the Agent, responsible for actually running each test or group of tests, and the Harness, which is responsible for test selection, management, result and agent co-ordination.


Java 2

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CodeSourcery's QMTest provides a cost-effective general purpose testing solution that allows an organization to implement a robust, easy-to-use testing program tailored to its needs. QMTest's extensible architecture allows it to handle a wide range of application domains: everything from compilers to graphical user interfaces to web-based applications.


QMTest works with most varieties of UNIX, including GNU/Linux, and with Microsoft Windows.

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Rasta is a keyword-driven test framework using spreadsheets to drive testing. It?s loosely based on FIT, where data tables define parmeters and expected results. The spreadsheet can then be parsed using your test fixtures.


Windows, Ruby

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Robot Framework


Robot Framework is a Python-based keyword-driven test automation framework for acceptance level testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has an easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases and its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java. Users can also create new keywords from existing ones using the same simple syntax that is used for creating test cases.


OS Independent

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Sahi is an automation and testing tool for web applications, with the facility to record and playback scripts. Developed in Java and JavaScript, it uses simple JavaScript to execute events on the browser. Features include in-browser controls, text based scripts, Ant support for playback of suites of tests, and multi-threaded playback. It supports HTTP and HTTPS. Sahi runs as a proxy server and the browser needs to use the Sahi server as its proxy. Sahi then injects JavaScript so that it can access elements in the webpage. This makes the tool independant of the website/ web application.


OS Independant. Needs Java 1.4+

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S.A.M. for I.E. is a Perl module ( that allows a user to run automated tests for their browser applications.


Windows NT/2000

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Sauce Labs: cloud-based Selenium service


Sauce Labs is a cloud-based Selenium service that runs test scripts concurrently. It delivers radically faster test suite completion times and removes the hassle of setting up your own Selenium test machines. User transition to (or from) our service is typically as easy as putting some API calls into a build script or cron job. Generic Selenium in, standard Selenium results out. Just screaming fast and no admin headaches.


Cloud computing service. API available in Ruby, Python, Perl, and curl.

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Scalable Test Platform


STP is a system for automating the QA testing process for the Linux Kernel, as well as automating benchmarking and regression testing on diverse hardware systems.



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Testing tool for browser-based testing of web applications. It can be used both for functional, compatability (it has extensive cross-browser support) and regression testing.


Windows, Linux or Mac

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Seleniun Java Evidence


A simple API to generate an evidence for your Selenium tests. This project enables developers and testers to create an evidence of their tests. This API is very simple and works only in Java. The result of this tool is a .pdf file that will show an image and description each steps you want.



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SharpRobo is a Functional Testing and Recording tool for WinForm applications written in C#. It supports all the standard WinForm controls. SharpRobo records the tests in FIT format which can be played back using Fit (File or Directory Runner).


Windows NT/2000/XP

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soapui is a java-swing based desktop application for inspecting, invoking and functional testing of webservices over HTTP. It is mainly aimed at developers/testers providing and/or consuming webservices (java, .net, etc). Functional testing can be done interactively in soapui or within a CI-process using the soapui maven plugin.


Java 1.5

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Software Automation Framework Support


Software Automation Framework Support (SAFS) provides for the implementation of compatible keyword-driven test automation frameworks. Currently, developing independent, multi-platform, Java-based Driver. Will be followed by independent, multi-platform Engines.


All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP)

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Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)


The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is an open source, multi-platform, multi-language framework designed around the idea of reusable components, called services (such as process invocation, resource management, logging, and monitoring). STAF removes the tedium of building an automation infrastructure, thus enabling you to focus on building your automation solution. STAX is an execution engine which can help you thoroughly automate the distribution, execution, and results analysis of your testcases. STAX builds on top of three existing technologies, STAF, XML, and Python, to place great automation power in the hands of testers. STAX also provides a powerful GUI monitoring application which allows you to interact with and monitor the progress of your jobs.


Windows, Linux, Solaris, AS/400, AIX, HP-UX, Irix

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This project is a set of Eclipse plugins providing non regression and stress tests of Web application servers. Test scripts are recorded from internet browser thanks to a built in web proxy.


Eclipse 2.1 or above

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SWAT (Simple Web Automation Toolkit)


The Simple Web Automation Toolkit (SWAT) is a library written in C# designed to provide an interface to interact with several different web browsers. SWAT also includes components to integrate with Fitnesse allowing Q/A engineers to automate web application testing.


Windows (IE and FireFox)

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SWTBot is a functional testing tool for SWT and Eclipse applications. The focus of SWTBot is to provide a simple, readable and fast way to write tests. The API is simple which means that everyone on a team can use SWTBot to write functional tests. It is also very flexible when it comes to extensibility.



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Systin stands for System Testing in .Net and allows you to write system-level tests in a ?domain language?. This is a port of the popular Systir program. Systin will allow for an abstraction of Test Case specification and Test Case automation execution.


.Net Windows

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T-Plan Robot


T-Plan Robot (formerly known as VNCRobot) is a universal black box automation and automated testing tool working on top of remote desktop technologies such as VNC. Major benefits include platform independence (Java), wide range of testable applications thanks to the generic image based testing approach, support of Java test scripts as well as a proprietary scripting language, Record & Replay capability and easiness of customization and integration thanks to open architecture with a generic plugin interface and well documented programming interfaces.


Client: any system supported by Java 1.6, SUT: any system with VNC server

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Tclwebtest is a tool for writing automated tests on web applications in tcl. It implements some basic html parsing functionality to provide comfortable commands for operations on the html elements (most importantly forms) of the result pages.


OS Independent

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Testability Driver TDriver is a testing tool which makes test automation possible for Qt applications running on any platform that runs Qt. Platforms we have used include: Linux, Windows, Mac, Symbian, maemo and MeeGo


Linux, Windows, Mac, Symbian, maemo and Meego

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A capture-replay tool which can record user actions on Firefox, saving the recording to an XML file, and replaying the saved recording. The output of the recorder can also be translated into automatic testing scripts such as httpunit, selenium, simple-test, etc.


Firefox 1.5 alpha1 +

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TestPlan is an automated testing tool for testing interactive web systems. It offers these features: * Testing web pages via a Firefox or Internet Explorer, or a display-less backend * Reporting for status feedback on an entire test suite * Metrics for page responses and availability * Email and FTP for full web application testing * Unified syntax for Email, Text, HTML, CSV, and XML data * Advanced tracing for locating overnight errors * High-level specialized testing language suitable for non-developers * JavaScript and dynamic page testing


Any with Java

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TextTest is an application-independent tool for text-based functional testing. This means running a batch-mode binary in lots of different ways, and using the text output produced as a means of controlling the behaviour of that application.


Most UNIX flavours + Windows XP (not Windows 9x)

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Tomato - the Automation Tool Abstraction Project - is an abstraction layer for automation engines. Its design allows automation scripts or tests to be written in one language, against one library, and remain portable across different architectures, OS platforms, and even widely different automation engines (e.g. Mercury Interactive WinRunner or the Linux Desktop Test Project).



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Toster - The Object-oriented Sofware Testing Environment


Toster is a system for sharing a set of tools that allow you to implement methods for object-oriented testing. Any method based on UML diagrams and on the software source code can easily be implemented as a TOSTER module. The environment itself makes a number of mechanisms available, such as information transfer from UML diagrams, mapping this information to source code, introducing modifications to the source code, launching the tested application, or presenting the results.


OS Independent

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Watij (pronounced wattage) stands for Web Application Testing in Java. Based on the simplicity of Watir and enhanced by the power of Java, Watij automates funtional testing of web applications through the real browser. There is a Google group at



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WatiN stands for Web Application Testing in dotNet. Inspired by Watir, WatiN enables web application testing, through Internet Explorer on a Windows platform, expressed in any .Net language.



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Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) is a functional testing tool for web applications. It supports tests executed at the web browser layer by driving a web browser and interacting with objects on a web page. It uses the Ruby scripting language.


Windows (currently only supports Internet Explorer)

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Web Form Flooder


Web Form Flooder is a Java console utility that will analyze a Web page, complete any forms present on the page with reasonable data, and submit the data. The utility will also crawl links within the site in order to identify and flood additional forms that may be present.


OS Independent

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A developer focused tool for automated testing of webapps: WebDriver has a simple API designed to be easy to work with and can drive both real browsers, for testing javascript heavy applications, and a pure "in memory" solution for faster testing of simpler applications.


any java-compatible platform

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WebInject is a free tool for automated testing of web applications and services. It can be used to test any individual system component with an HTTP interface, and as a test harness to create a suite of automated functional and regression tests.


Windows, OS Independent, Linux

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WebTst is a Web development test infrastructure. It aims to simplify testing by implementing a capture engine: a Web proxy which records a tester's actions using a real browser, and then replays them during testing. It comes with support for digital certificates, and a number of simple tests, such as cookie setting, pattern matching, response status, and many others. It features an extensible plug-in system.


POSIX, Linux

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WET is a opensource web automation testing tool which uses Watir as the library to drive web pages. You dont have to download / install Watir separately or know anything about Watir. WET drives an IE Browser directly and so the automated testing done using WET is equivalent to how a user would drive the web pages. WET allows you to perform various checks as a part of the testing process by using Checkpoints.


Windows 98/ME/2000 SP3/XP SP2/Server 2003

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A Perl module which automates functional testing of web applications. It can be used to automate any complex web application including dynamic frames and popup windows. It is an object oriented module and all methods are like user actions on web browser.


Windows (only Internet Explorer is supported)

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XML Test Suite


XmlTestSuite provides a powerful way to test web applications. Writing tests requires only a knowledge of HTML and XML. We want XmlTestSuite to be adopted by testers, business analysts, and web developers who don't have a java background.


Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT/2000, Linux, SunOS/Solaris

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