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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Teste. Afișați toate postările
Sunt Samsung Galaxy S6 si iPhone 6 rezistente ?

Nu imi amintesc ca in trecut sa fi vazut atatea teste hard efectuate pe un telefon mobil nou lansat ca pe Samsung Galaxy S6. Unele sunt interesante, precum cel vizionat saptamana trecuta cand un Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge a trecut testul bolului cu apa.

L-am inteles pentru ca producatorul sustine ca aparatul smartphone rezista la apa. Dar testul de astazi, nu-l inteleg. Oamenii mai scapa telefoanele mobile sau le arunca de pereti dar dupa astfel de momente nu cred ca se mai asteapta cineva sa mai functioneaze. Cam asa arata ultimul test in care un iPhone si un Samsung sunt testate un pic altfel.

Gresesc eu sau aceste teste sunt penibile? Ce aparat rezista unui asemenea "test" ?

Sunt Samsung Galaxy S6 si iPhone 6 rezistente ?

Este Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge rezistent la apa ?

Cu toate că Galaxy S5 a fost promovat ca fiind rezistent la apă, despre Samsung Galaxy S6 şi Galaxy S6 Edge - Samsung nu a spus nimic în acest sens.

Nu au trecut decât 24 de ore de la publicarea primului clip cu un test agresiv construit în jurului Galaxy S6 edge, iar acum vedem acelaşi terminal supus altui test foarte important. Este vorba de rezistenţa la apă.

Testul ilustrat în clipul de mai jos a fost realizat de Keaton Keller de la publicaţia TechSmartt. În condiţiile în care cei de la Samsung au evitat să se mândrească cu rezistenţa aparatului la scufundări, riscul implicat în test era semnificativ. Cu toate acestea, deşi nu ar fi trebuit să supravieţuiască experimentului, după 20 de minute de stat în stare de funcţionare într-un castron cu apă, telefonul nu a prezentat vreun handicap semnificativ afirma RL

Este Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge rezistent la apa ? ;-)

These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on!

Equipment used:

- Computer: MacBook Pro laptop with Windows installed
- Monitor - 24" Asus: We had to replace the standard fluorescent backlight with very large tungsten fixtures to funnel in more light to capture the screen. In addition, we flipped the monitor 180 degrees to eliminate a shadow from the driver board and set the system preferences on the computer to rotate 180 degrees. No special software was used in this process.
- Camera: Phantom v640 High Speed Camera at 1920 x 1080, films up to 2700 fps

"Why does in the potato gun sequence appear at once, and not the text first and images second? And why does it appear to render from bottom of the screen to the top?"

Chrome sends the rendered page to the video card buffer all at once, which is why appears at once, and not with the text first and images second. Chrome actually paints the page from top to bottom, but to eliminate a shadow from the driver board, we had to flip the monitor upside down and set the system preferences in Windows to rotate everything 180 degrees, resulting in the page appearing to render from bottom to top.

"Why does the top one third of the page appear first on the page load?"

Sometimes only half the buffer gets filled before the video card sends its buffer over to the LCD panel. This is because Chrome on Windows uses GDI to draw, which does not do v-sync.

"The screen wipes are so smooth - how was that achieved?"

The screen wipes up in a gradated wipe because LCD pixels take around 10ms to flip and gradually change color.

More filming details below:

Chrome Browser vs. Potato:
We used a version of the web page that is accessible when logged in. About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes.

Chrome Browser vs. Sound:
We loaded an artist page from, a streaming internet radio service directly off the web on a 15Mbps internet connection.

Chrome Browser vs. Lightning:
We used a locally loaded version of that was legally approved for use in this video (and all the standard website permissions procedures that goes into making videos!)

While we had a super fast 15Mbps internet connection in the studio, any live internet connection introduces quite a bit of variability. To run speed tests on page rendering times, saving locally and loading from the local disk can help reduce this variability.

Google Chrome Speed Tests